Remember When

4th Ave Publishing

Over the years these ladies have flashed us something memorable on camera, sometimes it was in a script others by accident.



Over the years these ladies have flashed us something memorable on camera, sometimes it was in a script others by accident.



Sophia Loren

Due Notti con Cleopatra 1953

Sophia Loren Cleopatra is a beautiful woman but has a small flaw: when she likes an officer of the guard, after a night of love she makes him poison by the trusted Tortul so that Marcantonio does not find out….

Young Sophia Loren covering her tits

Young Sophia Loren covering her tits

Sophia Loren as a topless Harem Girl

Sophia Loren as a topless Harem Girl

Sophia Loren holding her breasts 1953

Sophia Loren holding her breasts in Due Notti con Cleopatra 1953